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Net Worth

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Michael Moritz

human-male-boyIllustration of a young human male, a boy



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Howardian High School


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Christ Church, Oxford


universityIllustration of a university building

Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania


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Sir Michael Jonathan Moritz

Also known as

Short About

Michael Moritz is a British-American venture capitalist and former journalist. He played a significant role as a partner at Sequoia Capital, a renowned venture Capital firm, and was involved in successful investments in companies like Google, PayPal, and YouTube. Moritz's expertise, unique perspective, and philanthropy have made him widely recognized as one of the most influential figures in the technology and finance industries.

Did you know?

Net Worth

Estimated Net Worth:1 billion

Line art drawing of a man symbolizing Michael Moritz, dressed in a suit, holding a stack of money. Surrounding him are icons representing venture capital investments and entrepreneurial pursuits. In the background, silhouettes of technology and finance-related symbols are visible, all against a white backdrop.

Michael Moritz's net worth is estimated to be in the range of over 1 billion. His predominant income stream comes from his successful career in venture Capital, particularly his role at Sequoia Capital. Additionally, his investments in companies like Google, Yahoo!, PayPal, and YouTube have bolstered his financial portfolio and contributed to his substantial wealth. Moritz's philanthropy and involvement in charitable causes also reflect his commitment to giving back to society.

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Michael Moritz Biography

Line art drawing of a young Michael Moritz during his time at Howardian High School.

Early Life and Education

Born in Cardiff, Wales, to parents who fled Nazi Germany, Moritz's personal background shaped his unique perspective. He attended Howardian High School before earning a bachelor's degree in history from Christ Church, Oxford, and an MBA from the Wharton School.

Line art drawing of a young Michael Moritz during his time at Howardian High School.
Line art drawing of Michal Moritz writing about the development of the Mac.

Journalism and Early Career

Moritz's career started as a journalist, specifically writing about the development of the Mac for a book on Apple. This opportunity led to his involvement in the project and caught the attention of Steve Jobs. He even co-authored a book on the Chrysler story during his time at Time magazine.

Line art drawing of Michal Moritz writing about the development of the Mac.
Line art drawing of Michael Moritz making successful investments.

Sequoia Capital and Investment Success

In 1986, Moritz co-founded Technologic Partners, a technology newsletter and conference company. He later joined Sequoia Capital, where his investments in companies like Google, Yahoo!, PayPal, and Zappos contributed to Sequoia Capital's current public market value of over $3.3 trillion.

Line art drawing of Michael Moritz making successful investments.
Line art drawing of Michael Moritz engaging in philanthropic activities.

Recognition and Philanthropy

Forbes recognized Moritz as the top dealmaker in the technology industry, ranking him number one in their prestigious "Midas List" in 2006 and 2007. He was also named one of Time's 100 most influential people in 2007. Recently, Moritz made headlines when he left Sequoia Capital after nearly four decades to focus on Sequoia Heritage, an independent wealth-management fund he helped launch. This move showcases his adaptability and success in different industries. Beyond his professional achievements, Moritz's philanthropy is noteworthy. He has made significant donations to educational institutions like Christ Church at Oxford University and the Juilliard School, as well as the University of California, San Francisco. His $20 million donation to the American Civil Liberties Union is the largest the organization has ever received. Furthermore, Moritz and his wife, Harriet Heyman, sponsor the Booker Prize for novelists through their charity Crankstart, and he is a signatory of The Giving Pledge, committing to donating at least half his wealth to charitable causes. His involvement in the Lincoln Project showcases his political engagement and support for causes aligned with his values.

Line art drawing of Michael Moritz engaging in philanthropic activities.