David Laid Biography

Laid started fitness to cope with a challenging adolescence filled with bullying. Diagnosed with scoliosis, he continued to find solace in the gym. By the end of high school at Mainland Regional, Laid had transformed, graduating with a well-sculpted body.

Online Triumph
Originally a gaming content creator on YouTube in 2009, Laid capitalized on his dramatic transformation with a viral video showing 18 months of progress. His next video, a three-year transformation, amassed over 30 million views. As an e-book author and fitness mentor, Laid cultivated an impressive YouTube following—boasting 1.33 million subscribers—and over 190 million total views.

Lifestyle and Influence
Inspired by prominent figures like Jeff Seid and the Hodge Twins, he dedicated himself to a strict regimen that kept him in the gym six days a week for two hours at a time. Off the weight bench, Laid is in a relationship with a dancer named Julia Jackson. Despite his appetite being a challenge, he maintains a firm stance against performance-enhancing substances.