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Matan Even

Short About

Matan Even is a teenager from the United States known for his attention-grabbing stunts and online persona. He gained fame in 2019 after waving a "Free HK" t-shirt at an NBA game and interrupting a panel at BlizzCon to support Hong Kong. His controversial actions and collaborations with popular YouTubers have garnered a significant following on social media platforms.

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Net Worth

Estimated Net Worth:500K - 1 Million

Line art drawing of a young person representing Matan Even, exuding a provocative and attention-grabbing persona. They are collaborating with various YouTubers and have a large social media following, indicating their sources of income.

Matan Even's collaborations with YouTubers and large social media following suggest a net worth of 500k – 1 million.

Matan Even Biography

Line art drawing of a young boy, representing Matan Even, holding up a 'Fight For Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong' t-shirt amidst an audience.

Audacious Beginnings

Matan Even's fame began in 2019 when, as a seventh-grader, he held up a "Fight For Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong" t-shirt at an NBA game, leading to widespread media coverage and an interview with InfoWars. Matan continued to make headlines by crashing the World of Warcraft panel at BlizzCon, passionately shouting "Free Hong Kong," and earning the moniker "Free Hong Kong Kid."

Line art drawing of a young boy, representing Matan Even, holding up a 'Fight For Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong' t-shirt amidst an audience.
Line art drawing of a young man, representing Matan Even, unexpectedly appearing on stage at the Game Awards, eliciting surprise from the crowd.

The Memorable Game Awards Incident

In 2022, Matan's bold actions reached new heights when he snuck on stage during the Game Awards. As Elden Ring was announced as the Game of the Year, Matan took the opportunity to thank his reformed orthodox rabbi, Bill Clinton, causing confusion and generating memes. This daring act resulted in his arrest and subsequent ban from future broadcasts.

Line art drawing of a young man, representing Matan Even, unexpectedly appearing on stage at the Game Awards, eliciting surprise from the crowd.
Line art drawing of a young man, representing Matan Even, at the center of social media interaction, with symbols of various public figures around him.


Matan has maintained a strong social media presence and collaborated with various celebrities and creators. Interacting with the likes of Denzel Curry, Kai Cenat, Scumbag Dad, Bradley Martin, Gervonta Davis, and Oliver Tree, Matan has solidified his position as an influencer in his own right.

Line art drawing of a young man, representing Matan Even, at the center of social media interaction, with symbols of various public figures around him.