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Net Worth

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Sofia Franklyn

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Alexandra Cooper


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Private Catholic school


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University of Utah


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Sofia with an F

Also known as

Short About

Sofia Franklyn is an influential internet personality and host of the popular podcast "Sofia with an F." Known for her humorous and unfiltered style, she gained widespread fame as one of the original co-hosts of the podcast "Call Her Daddy." Franklyn is recognized for her candid discussions about modern women's issues, explicit sexual advice, and navigating personal experiences with humor and authenticity.

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Net Worth

Estimated Net Worth:1 - 2.5 million

Black and white line art of a woman, representing Sofia Franklyn, wearing a headset and speaking into a microphone, capturing the essence of a podcast host against a white backdrop.

Sofia Franklyn's popular podcast 'Sofia with an F' suggests a net worth in the 1 - 2.5 million range.

Sofia Franklyn Biography

Line art drawing of a woman representing Sofia Franklyn, engaged in a vibrant discussion with a friend, showcasing trust and authenticity. She is surrounded by microphones and recording gear in a podcasting setup, against a white backdrop.

Breakthrough in Podcasting

Sofia Franklyn gained attention at Barstool Sports in 2018, where her bold and candid content laid the foundation for her podcasting success. Co-hosting 'Call Her Daddy' with Alexandra Cooper propelled her to stardom until their split due to pay disputes and alleged mistreatment. Taking control, Sofia launched 'Sofia with an F,' focusing on explicit advice and personal revelations on sex, relationships, and mental well-being.

Line art drawing of a woman representing Sofia Franklyn, engaged in a vibrant discussion with a friend, showcasing trust and authenticity. She is surrounded by microphones and recording gear in a podcasting setup, against a white backdrop.
Line art drawing of a woman symbolizing Sofia Franklyn, maneuvering through a complex maze of interconnected relationships, symbolizing personal growth stages. The scene is set against a backdrop combining city lights and natural wilderness, creating a reflective atmosphere on a white background.

Personal Life and Controversies

Beyond her podcast persona, Sofia Franklyn's personal life intertwines with complex relationships and self-discovery. Unafraid to share candid details about drug use and romantic escapades, she embraces life's ups and downs with humor and resilience, while rumors swirl about a potential return to New York.

Line art drawing of a woman symbolizing Sofia Franklyn, maneuvering through a complex maze of interconnected relationships, symbolizing personal growth stages. The scene is set against a backdrop combining city lights and natural wilderness, creating a reflective atmosphere on a white background.
Line art drawing of a woman embodying Sofia Franklyn, radiating confidence and creativity while juggling multiple hats symbolizing her diverse persona. Surrounding symbols depict resilience and adaptability, reflecting her readiness for challenges and new opportunities, against a white backdrop.

Enigmatic Persona

In the public eye, Sofia Franklyn captivates with her quirky traits and unique humor. From a viral mugshot to amusing sex anecdotes and canceled moments, she cherishes her individuality and relentless drive, making her a standout figure in the podcasting landscape always ready for new ventures and unexpected challenges.

Line art drawing of a woman embodying Sofia Franklyn, radiating confidence and creativity while juggling multiple hats symbolizing her diverse persona. Surrounding symbols depict resilience and adaptability, reflecting her readiness for challenges and new opportunities, against a white backdrop.