Noah Sebastian Biography

Early Departure for Dreams
At 15, Noah Sebastian left high school in Richmond, VA to pursue his passion for music, which led him to become the frontman of the band Bad Omens.

Beginnings and Breakthroughs
Noah's Japanese-American heritage and church music background influenced his music, leading to the founding of Bad Omens and his success in the metalcore scene.

Making Waves with Music
With powerful songs like 'Exit Wounds' and 'The Death of Peace of Mind', Noah's emotional vocals echo globally, with TikTok bringing unexpected virality to 'Just Pretend'.

Offstage Endeavors
Away from the public eye, Noah values his privacy and explores a creative spectrum from orchestral to acoustic, advocating for fair merchandise practices.

Personal Touches
Now 28, living in L.A., and reflecting a blend of American and Japanese ancestry, Noah leads Bad Omens with his spirituality and music both unconfined by labels.