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Net Worth

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Belgium, Brussels

Current Location

baby-carriageIllustration of a baby carriage

Mangualde, Portugal


partnerIllustration of a person

Jay Alanski, Ron and Russell Mael (Sparks), John Cale


human-male-boyIllustration of a young human male, a boy



Short About

Lio, born Vanda Maria Ribeiro Furtado Tavares de Vasconcelos, is a Portuguese-Belgian singer and actress. Known for her catchy pop songs and distinctive voice, Lio gained fame in the late 1970s with hits like "Le Banana Split" and "Amoureux solitaires." She has also ventured into acting, appearing in films like "Golden Eighties."

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Net Worth

Estimated Net Worth:2.5 - 5 million

Line art drawing of a woman, representing Lio, standing confidently with a microphone. Musical notes and symbols surround her, showcasing her successful music career. On one side, a film reel represents her acting ventures, while on the other side, dollar signs represent her entrepreneurial pursuits and investments. The background is filled with stages, theaters, and recording studios, symbolizing her professional journey.

Lio's successful musical and film career place her net worth in the 2.5 – 5 million range.

Related People

Lio Biography

Line art drawing of a woman representing Lio, with short spiky hair and a bold fashion sense, exuding confidence and rebellious spirit. The image is in black and white and presented against a white backdrop.

Early Career

Lio, born as Vanda Maria Ribeiro Furtado Tavares de Vasconcelos in 1962, is a Portuguese singer and actress who made her mark on the music industry in the late 1970s. Inspired by Jacques Duvall, she partnered with songwriter Jay Alanski in 1979 to release her first two singles, 'Le Banana Split' and 'Amoureux solitaires,' which gained instant popularity in France. Her self-titled debut album, produced by Marc Moulin and Dan Lacksman, further solidified her place in the industry.

Line art drawing of a woman representing Lio, with short spiky hair and a bold fashion sense, exuding confidence and rebellious spirit. The image is in black and white and presented against a white backdrop.
Line art drawing of a woman representing Lio, emanating strength and determination. The image is in black and white and presented against a white backdrop.


Throughout the 1980s, Lio continued to explore her musical talents, collaborating with renowned artists such as Sparks and John Cale. She also ventured into acting, making her debut in Chantal Akerman's film 'Golden Eighties.' Lio successfully balanced her professional pursuits with motherhood, raising six children named Nubia, Igor, Esmeralda, Garance, Léa, and Diego.

Line art drawing of a woman representing Lio, emanating strength and determination. The image is in black and white and presented against a white backdrop.
Line art drawing of a woman representing Lio, with long flowing hair and a sense of elegance and grace. The image is in black and white and presented against a white backdrop.

Rise to Popularity and Acting Career

Lio's popularity soared in the 1980s with hits like 'Amour toujours' and 'Des fleurs pour un caméléon.' Alongside her musical success, she appeared in notable films like Claude Lelouch's 'Itinéraire d'un enfant gâté' and Marie Darrieussecq's 'Le Bébé.' In recognition of her contributions to popular art, Lio was honored as a Chevalier des Arts de la Couronne de Belgique.

Line art drawing of a woman representing Lio, with long flowing hair and a sense of elegance and grace. The image is in black and white and presented against a white backdrop.
Line art drawing of a woman representing Lio, surrounded by musical notes, exuding charisma and joy. The image is in black and white and presented against a white backdrop.

Musical Comeback

Recently, Lio has made a triumphant return to the music scene after recording music in Cuba with her partner Michel Esteban. She maintains her fresh and vibrant sound by collaborating with emerging artists like Hoshi, Jennaya, and Corinne. Lio takes on a unique and endearing role as she considers these young artists her 'children.'

Line art drawing of a woman representing Lio, surrounded by musical notes, exuding charisma and joy. The image is in black and white and presented against a white backdrop.