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Greta Thunberg

Short About

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate activist, rose to prominence in 2018 for her school strike outside the Swedish parliament, demanding stronger action on climate change. She has since become an iconic figure, inspiring millions of students to join the Fridays for Future movement and advocating for urgent climate action on a global scale. Greta's powerful speeches and uncompromising activism have made her a leading voice in the fight against climate change.

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Net Worth

Estimated Net Worth:500K - 1 million

Line art drawing of a woman representing Greta Thunberg. She has braided hair and a determined expression, standing before a diverse crowd holding a microphone and a book. The crowd supports her cause with signs that say 'Climate Action Now!' and 'We Stand with Greta.' The drawing encapsulates Greta Thunberg's impactful activism and her global influence on climate change awareness against a plain white background.

Greta Thunberg's book sales, public speaking, and endorsement deals indicate a net worth in the 500k – 1 million range.

Greta Thunberg Biography

Line art drawing of a young girl representing Greta Thunberg, with determination and resilience, against a white backdrop.

Early Life and Challenges

Born on January 3, 2003, in Stockholm, Sweden, Greta Thunberg's path toward international climate activism began with a school strike outside the Swedish parliament in August 2018. Despite facing personal challenges, including a diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and selective mutism, Greta has persevered and become a symbol of hope for a generation grappling with the devastating effects of climate change.

Line art drawing of a young girl representing Greta Thunberg, with determination and resilience, against a white backdrop.
Line art drawing of a thoughtful young girl representing Greta Thunberg, surrounded by symbols of climate change.

Awakening to Climate Change

At the age of eight, Greta became aware of climate change and its consequences, igniting a passion within her. Greta battled depression for nearly four years before finding solace in her activism, using her Asperger's syndrome as a "superpower" that enables her to see the world in stark terms.

Line art drawing of a thoughtful young girl representing Greta Thunberg, surrounded by symbols of climate change.
Line art drawing of a determined young girl representing Greta Thunberg, standing in front of a crowd of people, holding a sign that says '#FridaysforFuture'.

From Local Protests to Global Movement

In 2018, Greta protested outside the Swedish Parliament, inspiring the global movement #FridaysforFuture in which millions of students joined her in demanding urgent action on climate change. Her activism took her from local strikes to major forums, including the European Union Parliament, where she delivered a powerful address that captured the world's attention. In 2019, she made a memorable voyage from Plymouth, UK, to New York City on a carbon-free yacht to attend the UN Climate Action Summit, scolding world leaders with her famous words: "How dare you?"

Line art drawing of a determined young girl representing Greta Thunberg, standing in front of a crowd of people, holding a sign that says '#FridaysforFuture'.
Line art drawing of a determined young girl representing Greta Thunberg, surrounded by articles, books, and nature elements symbolizing her impact.

Facing Criticism and Continuing the Fight

Greta has faced criticism and mockery, but she remains undeterred. Her speeches, books, and documentaries have inspired millions, and she has had a significant impact on the climate movement.

Line art drawing of a determined young girl representing Greta Thunberg, surrounded by articles, books, and nature elements symbolizing her impact.